Monday, October 31, 2011


I always love Halloween and this year was just as great as every other, if not better! A bunch of my girlfriends and I dressed up Friday and Saturday night and went out on the town looking for a fun time! We definitely found what we were looking for! Coriann and I were Goths and every time I look at our pictures I start laughing! We had so much fun dressing up like FREAKS haha. We went dancing both Friday and Saturday with our girlfriends and other friends we met up with. Such a fun weekend!!! I am seriously sore from all the running around we did! Here are some pics!

This is our signature dance move...riding the pony ^

On another note, I ONLY HAVE 23 MORE DAYS OF CLASSES! So strange to me how fast time keeps flying by! My last day of class is December 9 and then we have a few days for final exams. My last Day working at Nordstrom will be December 13, then Marybeth and Matt are getting married, I'll pack up my things, and move home before the mission! WHERE THE HECK IS TIME GOING?! With that said, It's time for me to buckle down! I did TERRIBLE on a test today (probably because I didn't even crack open a book over the weekend) and I cant let all of my hard work go to waste! So, I am going to work extra hard during these next few weeks and finish out the semester strong!

November is a great months with tons to look forward to!
-LOTS of bdays! Including my 21st bday! Im getting up there!
-Less classes do to thanksgiving which means family time and yummy food!
-Almost December which means Christmas music and Christmas decorations!!! Woop Woop!!

Anyway, Love you all! One more test to get through this week and its the weekend!!! Holllllla!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Halloween! Whatever you did!

1 comment:

  1. Hahah! You are such a rockstar! And btw I love your blog.
