Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I had three finals this semester and im glad to be done with them... ESPECIALLY portuguese. I loved the class but I'm not sad its over :) Part of my portuguese final was an oral exam where I had a conversation in portuguese with another instructor....always a humbling experience. Pretty much had no clue what he was saying.... every time he asked me a question i responded with a totally off topic random question because that was all i knew how to say! Whatever... I passed so its all good! TCHAU MINHA CLASE DE PORTUGUESE! That means "bye my portuguese class!" Not bad huh?

Now, all I need to do is pay all of my parking tickets so I can get my grades... (they wont admit my grades until they're paid) and SELL MY DANG HOUSING CONTRACT! Its harder than it seems! I dont want to have to pay to live in a place that I dont even live in! So, pray for me guys! I need to sell it bad! I know it will work out...Im buying some "for rent" signs today to put out front and around campus.
**Some great news, It's snowing today! Finally! It's pretty much the first time it has snowed and actually stuck a little... i hope it stays that way! Feels more life christmas with the snow!

Here is my run down before I head into the MTC:

-Work my last day at Nordstrom today :( SUPER BITTER sweet.
-Marybeth and matt get married this week
-Sunday the 18th fly TO MY HOME SWEET HOME :)
-go through the temple on the 20th
-see the family and celebrate CHRISTMAS yeeee!
-fly back to utah on the 26th for Aubri and Yance's wedding (27th) and Fatty and Ben's wedding(5th)
-Go back to arizona on January 5th
-Have my farewell on January 8th
-Leave for Utah on January 23rd
-Enter the MTC on January 25th and start my 18 month mission!

I am now focusing on packing up my place and getting things organized to store for 18 months...

*This week I want to hike the Y 3 more days before I take off! Probably my last 3 times before the mission! If you want a GREAT work out, Go hike Y mountain....kicks your butt.

Okie Doke! Until Next time friends and family! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS!!!!!

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