Tuesday, April 20, 2010

freshman year at BYU :)

I can't believe that this year is OVER! It truly FLEW by and I loved it. I have learned a TON up here at BYU and I am so grateful for all the many lessons! Here are some of the things I learned:

"Freshman 15" is real haha. I had NO clue how to study and my grades definitely reflected that! Rejection is tough and I am not always going to get what I want when I want it.I am blessed in ways I didn't even realize. It takes time to feel comfortable in a whole new situation and I have to have patience. I am not as disciplined as I thought. Arizona is so much better than Utah!! When I feel like no one is there, I know Heavenly Father is and all I need to do is talk to him. "You miss one hundred percent of thew shots you don't take" is SO TRUE! Time moves fast and Life is so so amazing!
I am going to miss all of these people so much this summer! Instead of being sad about saying goodbye, I am going to follow the advise I heard from one of the members of our bYU stake presidency and "smile that it happened. Smile that you were here and let the memories of this place show on your face."
Here are some pictures of my favorite memories here at B to the Y to the U:

I love these two girls so much!!! Also love fires!
Sarah, my roommate is just the BEST!
Olivia and Sarah... When I turned 19 :)
Some more of my favorite girls! SO MUCH FUN WITH THEM!We are in the BYU 20th ward together.
Katie and I just laugh together and it's so refreshing!!!
This is Brooke, she and I coached together. She once coached the BYU women's Volleyball team and took them to eighth in the nation. She is amazing.
My GREAT team that I got to coach!
This is before one of the FUNNEST dance par-tay's ever!
My other fun roommates and the boys from the ward. they loved pallin around together!!!
Alyse and I dance our butts off. This dance party was the best, by far!

This is what it looked like ALOT! Sarah, my roommate:) i love you.


We just do weird stuff...
Casey DUKE! this guy just randomly jumped into the back of my car... turned out to be hilarious!

Two more roommates
LOVE THEM! byu football game

This is when they thought I had swine flu and they made me wear those masks bahahah!

I love my bike... this was one of my first memories with Sarah!!!


  1. whitney. i am so happy to see that you had such a great year at BYU. you are such a beautiful person, inside and out. I am happy that you have been able to learn so much and even grow more as a person. You are my best friend, and i am truly so proud to be able to say that.

  2. okay can i just say that I love you so much?! these pictures all bring back such wonderful memories. I know that we were blessed to become best friends. I cannot wait for the years to come :)
