Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tonight I came home feeling glad that the day was over... It was just one of those days. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and kind of ungrateful until I read my good friend Madison's blog post. It was a post about a woman named Stephanie Nielson. I had never heard of her until now... SHE IS AMAZING AND INSPIRING.
I learned that Stephanie a wife and mother of four, was involved in a terrible plane crash with her husband burning 80% of her body. After the crash, she had forgotten what her life as a mother was like pre-crash. PLEASE take a moment and watch this inspiring, motivating, and humbling clip and see for yourself. It is SO worth your time!

You can see other inspiring clips like this at MORMONMESSAGES.COM

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this one, and it inspired me too. Thanks for the uplifting message.
