Life lately has been really wonderful and I really just feel so grateful and so happy. I am so so grateful I have been able to be home this summer. I can't even explain how much I have missed my family! Being back with them makes me realize that even more. I have LOVED being with my parents again. Everyday we get to talk and spend time together and it's great. I have loved loved loved being back with my brothers and sisters... and absolutely LOVED SOOOOO MUCH being back with my hilarious nieces and nephews! They are seriously a BLAST to be around. I am so grateful to be back here in the greatest state ever.
I am so thankful for the people in my life. For my wonderful family(immediate and extended), for my amazing great friends, for taylor, for his family, my ward family,for the people at work, the interesting customers I have met, just so many wonderful people. I really mean that. I just feel so blessed to get to be around so many people that I love. I am so grateful to be back in Arizona.
All day I am around wonderful people. It so great. Anyway, I just want everyone to know I love them so much and am so grateful for you all. I MEAN THAT. :)
I love this. And I love you so much. You are seriously one of my bestest friends ever. You are so spiritual and kind and a BLAST to be around. I know we'll be best friends forever. Love you whit!