Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So today has been such a great day. I went class then came home and slept for about 6 hours because last night we didn't sleep! at all. After my nap, I went to sally's beauty supply with katie and kaylee and got some new nail polish that I really love. Then we went to levi's and neal's and hung with those freakshows and had a blast. I am soooooo tired right now and need to write this stupid marriage prep paper and I DON'T WANNA!!! Good thing I have over 200 new rap songs that are clean to keep me up! thanks johnny and neal! any way, today was great! I am excited because I get to see taylor tomorrow as a missionary... crazy. Then pick my beautiful mother up from the ayer port!!! we will have a blast together, i love that woman! Life is great!! I will blog some more later!!!!

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